
Archive for November 2017

which operating system is best for hacking the system or penetration testing

In the market, there are so many operating systems is available to use as hacking the system or penetration testing.I think you already know the Kali Linux operating system. But My point is different than other because I use "Wifi Slax and Ubuntu"  both. This two is powerful than another operating system of the hacking system.

What is the feature of Wifislax and Ubuntu Linux distribution?

The "Wifislax" is used for hacking the wifi any type i.e WPA, WPA-2, WPS and WPE. But you must you know their use.
                                                 WIFISLAX DOWNLOAD

Secondly, Ubuntu Linux distribution is also used as a hacking toolkit. But you need installation  of
"Katoolin" package in Ubuntu. The "katoolin" is the type of package that imports all package as Kali Linux feature.Ubuntu is also as developing the application development.
                                                  UBUNTU DOWNLOAD


How to download the katoolin package.

Can you know that Ubuntu is also used to hack the windows? There are different types of way to hacking the windows operating system.

This post only gives the brief description of penetration/hacking environment. If you will comment on which type of hacking thing you need then I will post upcoming post.

Everything is hackable in world, But think how it possible

Thursday, 16 November 2017
Posted by Divyajeet Singh Fx

is it possible to using c programming language as rebel

I think most of programmer and developer already know about the C language which is mostly used for development of driver design. Every programmer is familiar with  C language. The C language is vital role developed the programming concept.

Now, I will show "How to use C programme to make system destroying or crashing without using other languages"

Crashing the Linux system using c programme

int main() 
{ int i; 
//this programme for educational purpose "concept loop is iterated as infinite work to //distroy the linux system" 
for(i=0; i<=100; i--)
 return 0; 

Note:  This programme is worked in linux based system
Go to this link download the code  

After download simply compile it terminal window

command 1:      gcc  crash.c
command 2:     ./a.out

how to compile c programme in Linux
Fig 1. Run c programme in Linux

"Note:- Don't run this code on your personal Linux Based System, Otherwise crashing of the system occurred."
Warning for Linux users.

Posted by Divyajeet Singh Fx

How to generate PDF for any website using any browser

The most probably visitor to visited so many website. Indeed some website is very useful content. They want to save it and make it readable to access offline. The problem is most of the visitor or not knowing to generate in  PDF Format of particular site.

Steps to generate PDF for any website :-

1:- First You go to any website, those who want to save After visiting

2:- Go to print option in that page which you want to save

using shortcut key

If you are using windows operating system the use 


If you are using MAC operating system the use 


3:- Simply change the destination "SAVE AS PDF" and click on save button

Generating PDF step first
Fig 1.1 Step first to generate PDF

Generating PDF step two
Fig 1.2 Step two to generate PDF

Generating PDF step three
Fig 1.3 Step three to generate PDF 

This video is helpful to generate PDF.

Wednesday, 15 November 2017
Posted by Divyajeet Singh Fx

How to qr code of any website using google chrome extension

There are different application presents in market to generate QR code but, I will show you the best method to generate QR code of any site

QR code generating using google chrome browser

Steps of generating QR code in three steps:-

1:-  First you need to install QR code chrome extension tools

Go to this link download Qr code generator

2:- After adding the chrome extension, Now visit any  website then click on extension icon(right side of chrome)

3:- Now we get the generated QR code and scan with mobile QR scanner app, visit that link in your mobile

smart qr code generator for all website

QR code generator through google chrome browser

Note if you have no QR code scanner in smartphone 

Go to download QR code scanner for Smartphone

Posted by Divyajeet Singh Fx

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